This is a slot machine that resembles the real slot machines in the casinos.To create the project, you need to insert three image boxes into the form and program them so that they will display a set of three different pictures randomly when the userpresses on the spin button. It involves a randomization process. Next, a timer needs to be incorporated into the procedures so that the program can produce animated effects. In addition, you can also insert the Microsoft Multimedia Control so that it can play sounds in synchronization with the spinning of the slot machine as well as when the player hits the jackpot. You can design any interface you like. We have created an interface as shown below:
A slot machine written in VB.NET to experiment with combining images and timers in order to cause an 'animated' look. All images were made by me (larger versions appear blurry, however). Started: August 31, 2011 // 'Completed': September 1, 2011 (minus sounds) A fairly basic slot machine-type 'game' Timer is used to 'animate' the slots.